About the problems of modern additional education in the environmental sphere

  • Филичева Татьяна Петровна

    T.P. Filicheva. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Additional "environmental" education and modern training of managers and employees of enterprises in the field of environmental protection are a necessary element of effective environmental regulation. Unfortunately, traditional training programs are aimed only at studying the
legal requirements and rules for their application in an industrial enterprise. However, modern innovations and the pace of economic development require more than basic knowledge from specialists of enterprises, Executive authorities, courts, and the environmental Prosecutor's office. Modern environmental challenges need to be studied in a timely manner and adapted to current norms and rules and practices. Training of personnel with sufficient competence and market terminology to solve environmental regulation problems is becoming one of the key problems of sustainable development. Additional training should involve not only environmentalists – specialists of enterprises. First of all, these are the decision-makers on strategic development:  General  Director,  financier,  chief  engineer  and  technologist,  chief  power  engineer.  To create an effective system of state regulation in the environmental sphere, representatives of Executive authorities, including municipal authorities, courts, and the environmental Prosecutor's office should be involved in additional training. The competencies that decision makers should have  relate to knowledge in the  field of  environmental quality  management, understanding how to solve existing and potential environmental problems, and achieving a balance between the interests of the state and business. The article suggests ways to develop additional environmental education for specialists at all levels of management.
Keywords: environmental legislation, additional environmental education, training programs,
decision-makers, competence in the environmental sphere.